Thursday, March 13, 2025

Intangible assets, intellectual capital or property? It does make a difference

In modern discussions regarding the value of intellectual property, terminology can often become confusing. To prevent misunderstanding, it’s important to differentiate between “intangible assets,” “intellectual capital” and “intellectual property.”

Making Marketing Strategic

Marketing, as a functional discipline, has had to reinvent itself more than once during the last decade. Remember the distinction in the 1980s between “sales oriented” and “marketing oriented” companies? The first big change was during the early 1990s when marketing was routed from it pedestal in “marketing oriented” companies to become the handmaiden of branding…

Branding Diamonds

During the 1990s, De Beers Consolidated Mines began the then seemingly unusual practice of “Branding” its diamonds. It began inscribing a small Brand Mark on its stones to differentiate its products within the commodity marketplace, and to ensure their worth against the inexorable declining value of non-oil commodities. The growing success of Brands, Branding and the strategies of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Marketing are widely recognized within the global business community.

Social Capital and Economic Growth

Many believe that social capital is an under-leveraged intellectual capital asset which could be powerfully mobilized within both organizations and communities to deliver benefit.

The Strategic Positioning of Intangible Assets (PDF)

Patents, trademarks, copyrights and other intangibles are not worth anything if they sit in isolation. It requires individuals with vision and ability to understand their potential and to turn this into meaningful return by putting in place programmes that will maximise their value.

Tech-Transfer Strategy

Tech-Transfer Strategy. Tech-Transfer as an Industry: Since 1980, the transfer of technologies developed at research universities to private industry has become big business in the U.S. During 2003 alone, tech-transfer revenues approached $1.3 billion, and more importantly, the economic benefits that were derived from the technologies that were transferred into the private sector are estimated to have exceed $41 billion in value.

Patent Portfolios Can Attract Capital

As funds are withdrawn from declining investments, venture capitalists, hedge funds, private equity and institutional investors have substantial holdings to invest in the fundamentals of future market growth.

The Importance of Duty Of Care (PDF)

Exaggerated marketing, false and overblown label claims, adulterated and misbranded products all violate the law, mislead or deceive consumers, and evidence a failure by manufacturers to fulfill the duty of care due consumers.

The Ethics of Intellectual Asset Management (PDF)

The shift from the familiar corporate asset base centered upon traditional physical and financial asset to an asset base centered upon intangible intellectual assets brings with it subtle new ethical challenges and problems.

Brand Valuation Basics

Since the late 1990s, the need to establish dollar valuations for Intellectual Capital Assets has driven the development of a handful of brand valuation methods. Essentially, there are four approaches to valuing a Brand, and one or more of them may be applicable in any individual instance.