Monday, March 31, 2025

Does Google’s Purchase of Motorola Suggest It Is Changing Its Strategy?

In a recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal one commentator on the world of business puzzled that Google would so violate the patent rights of their competitors with their Android mobile operating system. He mused incredulously, that Google seems to assume that their competitors in the smartphone market don’t have a right to exclude them from using their intellectual property.

The Strategic Positioning of Intangible Assets (PDF)

Patents, trademarks, copyrights and other intangibles are not worth anything if they sit in isolation. It requires individuals with vision and ability to understand their potential and to turn this into meaningful return by putting in place programmes that will maximise their value.

Building Market Capitalization With Intellectual Capital Assets

For every dollar of value contributed by tangible assets, two to four dollars more are being contributed to enterprise value by the intangibles. How can we make intangible assets, known as Intellectual Capital, actionable so we can use them to drive corporate valuation and stock price? Here is a simple way to think about the subject…